Spiritual intelligence as opposed to artificial intelligence


Only our species is capable of developing weapons that can exterminate everyone. Only humans have the ability to contaminate the food we grow for ourselves. Only our species is currently in risk of allowing others to perform our thinking for us. The most popular topic right now is artificial intelligence (AI), but few of us actually comprehend what is occurring or how it operates.

Because of what young people are witnessing in cyberspace, research suggests that their intelligence is declining. Each of us is utilizing AI more and more. AI is used on social media platforms, in basic Google searches, and when buying a flight for a vacation. It appears that.

We are rapidly becoming dependant on AI, which is not a good situation to be in. Each of us can assess how reliant we feel and how “obsessed” we are with particular features of AI, especially if one of our devices breaks down temporarily.

AI is intelligent and is starting to comprehend terminology that is more and more complex, yet it is unable to comprehend “meaning” or “feeling.” The very areas of our intelligence that deal with our “being” are those. When all AI and technology eventually stop working altogether, we may be forced to rely solely on our own intelligence. Once we are conscious of our dependence, we can make little changes to lessen it.

Walk more, keep contact information in mind, and turn off WhatsApp earlier in the evening. We can use technology for what we need, but we must be careful not to let the AI start “using” us, forcing us to make more purchases, spend more time online, and waste more time just because we have been seduced. Spiritual wisdom is actually what is required. This is what allows us to shift when necessary, adapt, understand, and cope with reality with a wider perspective.

We may listen to those who have different viewpoints with tolerance and a genuine desire to understand if we have spiritual wisdom and insight. Our interpersonal interactions can change. IQ lacks the genuine strength that comes from spiritual intelligence. The wisdom that comes from spiritual intelligence is knowledge.

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