What about individuals who are unable to even shop for fresh produce? The food desert map from the USDA analyses areas with lower incomes and less convenient access where residents reside far from a supermarket. These customers are targeted specifically by the EWG message. In a peer-reviewed study published in the journal Nutrition Today, researchers discovered that low-income participants preferred not to buy any produce at all, neither conventional nor organic, when informed of specific fruits and vegetables with pesticides, putting this group at higher risk of obesity, heart disease, and cancer. It seems somewhat counterproductive to the goals of EWG


The Leamington and Warwick public tennis courts now have a new operator.

In December, the Warwick District Council (WDC) began the tendering process for the management of the courts at St. Nicholas Park in Warwick, Victoria Park, and Christchurch Gardens in Leamington.And today (Friday, March 10), the council revealed that We Do Tennis was the winning bidder in that process.

“We Do Tennis is focused on enhancing, growing, and securing the future of tennis at all levels,” said Andy Moss, director of We Do Tennis parks. We are incredibly thrilled to be collaborating with WDC and the locals to give a top-notch tennis experience.

“Improving the facilities is a terrific first step. Our role is to stimulate tennis in the area and have thousands of happy people playing the courts at all three locations for years to come.”Tennis coach Claire Pomfret had ran VP Tennis on the courts at Victoria park since 2012 and had fought hard to keep the club operating there.

She closed the club in November.Claire had launched a petition against the tender process and over the years she had also fought for resurfacing of the courts and improved facilities.

And club members and residents had also shown their support for her to retain the management of the courts during the process.

Councillor Judith Falp, WDC’s portfolio holder for safer communities, leisure and environment said: “When we laid out our brief for the tender, we were looking for an operator that would have a commitment to the local community at its heart as well as being able to provide a sustainable business model to enable the council to continue to invest, maintain and improve the public tennis facilities for the whole district.

“We are confident that working in partnership with We Do Tennis we can fully achieve our ambitions.”

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