We are aware that every action has a consequence and that we are accountable for that consequence. The things we have thought about and done come back to us in some way or another as situations for us to go through. These situations can occasionally be unpleasant, and the only thing that can smooth the way through them is the power of stillness and a connection with the Ultimate Being in that silence. We gain a tremendous deal of power as we meditate and build up our power of silence, which enables us to have clear, exalted thoughts that inspire similarly lofty behavior.
Our return to elevated action results in more favorable circumstances. Our ideas can contain challenges, some of which are quite subtle. When we repeatedly ask why something is the way it is or the way it isn’t, when we say we want this or that, when we start blaming others for the way things are or for why we don’t have what we want, these thoughts are not kind or noble and they become barriers to our advancement.
Being aware of the power of silence and evaluating in our quiet whether or not what we are saying or thinking at any particular time is benevolent can help us develop the power of benevolent thought.
When there is deep silence, we are able to discern and decide on a choice of action, especially when we want to do something elevated. When an elevated thought comes, if weact on it immediately, it will bear benevolent and elevated fruit. Alternatively, if we say with hesitation,“well, yes” or “I will do it at some other time,”the desire is pure and elevated, butthe enthusiasm and pure inspiration is lost, diluted, diminished by our reluctance to act in the moment. When wetake an elevated action at the time when the inspiration is high, in the pure moment of the thought arising, this helps to settle
old karmic accounts.
So, if you are having any kind of negative thoughts, be very attentive, not afraid, because if youspread negative vibrations, then at sometime in the futureyou will have to settle what was created by those vibrations. This is one reason they say we should have an attitude of gratitude. Think, “this is good, very good”. Express thanks for these opportunities to have a positive impact. It is all going to be alright. It will always be okay.When you think and say thatall is going to be okay, success will be like a garland around your neck. Leave aside any doubt because doubts become obstacles. The energy of the soul is very subtle and very powerful. Take power from God in silence
and meditation.