How I get out of bed: Michael Wilbon


Michael Wilbon leads a non-traditional life. The longtime columnist and co-host of ESPN’s “Pardon the Interruption” may travel to three different locations in a week depending on the rhythms of the league calendars, always preparing and dishing out opinions.

The former Washington Post columnist was interviewed about his hectic mornings.

⏰ On days when he flies out first to destinations on game days, he must get up at 4:45am; otherwise, he must get up at 9am.

As his job requires him to travel the country, from his home in Bethesda to an apartment in Chicago, a home in Scottsdale, Arizona, or New York City on NBA game days, he claims to have less routine than anyone you’re likely to speak to.

He turns on the TV first, switching between CNN and ESPN.

He begins his workday preparation by watching sports. He claims that he is not viewing the Cowboys-Tampa Bay rematch in the same manner as other viewers. Individuals often ask, “What is prep? So, preparation is complete.

🥣 Breakfast consists of Rice Krispie cereal and the “old fashioned habit of reading the actual goddamn newspaper, rather than on a screen.” He has the Washington Post and USA Today delivered.

no java.

not any green juice. You couldn’t pay me to get some green liquid down my throat, you know.

Washingtonians have strong opinions about their airports, but according to Wilbon, Dulles is the one that can be reached the quickest at five in the morning.

He can’t stand “people in this area, with their bridge phobias,” the “‘I live in Maryland; I can’t go to Virginia,’ bulls–t — or vice versa.”

☀️ Keeping it real: “My days are never measured by morning,” Wilbon says. “If you’ve really been a sportswriter your whole life, which is what I still consider myself, mornings don’t count. They’re just in the way.”

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